🌸 Tasha Reviews 🌸

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Done With #11: Cabernet

"A young vampire in 1800s Eastern European doing her best to survive a cruel world. Will she lose her humanity, or will I lose my patient going through l"

Tasha Strong
Tasha Strong

Done With #10: WARRIORS: Abyss

"Return (again?) of the 1v1000 game. But this time, it's roguelike!? Will it be up to snuff tho?"

Tasha Strong
Tasha Strong

Done With #9: Avowed

"There's not a lot of RPG game that makes me pause for 10 minutes before clicking on the choice, and then have that choice bite me in the ass almost 50 hours later. Obsidian did it again, and this is their peak form."

Tasha Strong
Tasha Strong

Done With #2: Sorry We're Closed

"A horror game with an incredibly unique and vivid art direction direction. With its story dealing with love in many forms, this is a Valentine's day game disguised as a Halloween's game 😱"

Tasha Strong
Tasha Strong

Done With #1: Granblue Fantasy Relink

"Aye! This is my first proper game review, and what a way to start one with the first game I've completed on the Steam Deck! Let's see what Monster Hunter at home is all about!~"

Tasha Strong
Tasha Strong